Tuesday, December 30, 2014

SwaraOwa, menyuarakan pelestarian Owa Jawa dan habitatnya

spectogram suara  Owa Jawa

Hutan Sokokembang, Petungkriono, Pekalongan. Salah satu yang menarik dari mempelajari hidupan liar  adalah perilakunya. Bersuara pada waktu-waktu tertentu, dengan suara yang khas dan intonasi tertentu dan waktu tertentu dan juga kemudian di respon oleh individu atau kelompok lain dengan suara yang khas juga. Inilah yang dalam ilmu pengetahuan di sebut “bioacustic” sinyal suara  yang dikeluarkan oleh hidupan liar oleh untuk tujuan komunikasi dan orientasi, atau pun untuk tujuan tertentu ataupun menunjukkan keberadaan hidupan liar itu sendiri.

Sebagai contoh Owajawa sangat unik perilakunya, untuk melihatnya pun susah, namun hampir setiap pagi primata ini bersuara dan  suara owa yang keras dapat di dengar hinga lebih dari 1.5 km. Dengan topografi habitatnya yang bergunung semakin sulit untuk dapat melihat langsung keberadaan Owa Perilaku bersuara ini juga menjadi identitas individu yang membedakan individu satu dengan yang lain.

Applikasi penelitian ini sementara dapat digunakan untuk tujuan edukasi dan peningkatan kepedulian pelestarian alam. Para pembaca blog yang tinggal jauh dari hutan juga dapat mulai mengenal bahwa hutan , binatang, serangga,kodok,burung,  angin, air dan segala hidupan liar juga mempunyai cara unik untuk berkomunikasi. Selamat mendengarkan suara-suara dari hutan habitat Owa jawa di link berikut ini https://soundcloud.com/sokokembang-petungkriono

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Sokokembang Primatewatching (Desember 2014)

Mr. Yamato Tsuji sedang melihat Lutung

Tanggal 13 dan 14 Desember 2014, jauh-jauh dari jepang datang ke Sokokembang untuk melihat primata jawa. Mr. Yamato Tsuji  dari PRI Kyoto University meluangkan waktu bersama kami menikmati sajian kopi hutan dan juga melihat langsung bagaimana primata-primata unik pulau jawa ini masih bisa di jumpai di hutan Sokokembang, Pekalongan, Jawa Tengah. Kami baru saja masuk ke wilayah hutan dengan kendaraan, sangat beruntung kami berjumpa dengan rekrekan dalam jarak yang cukup dekat, kira-kira 15 meter, dengan tetap di dalam kendaraan kami terus mengamati kelompok monyet pemakan daun ini. Sampai di Sokokembang kebetulan sekali saat ini generator air (microhydro) kami sedang bermasalah jadi lengkap sudah suasana dusun yang gelap-gulita, dengan minimnya aktifitas dengan alat elektronik. Mr. Tsuji adalah peneliti Lutung jawa, dan sudah beberapa tahun di melakukan penelitian di Pangandaran Jawa Barat, tapi untuk melihat lutung di wilayah jawa Tengah katanya ini yang pertama kalinya. Tanggal 14 Desember pagi kami bersama menyusuri jalan dari Ds. Sokokembang sampai Kroyakan, dan bukan kebetulan juga karena Mr. Tsuji yang peneliti Lutung sepanjang jalan hampir 3 km ini kami menjumpai 4 kelompok lutung dengan jumlah kelompok antara 4-13 individu. Ini populasi yang padat katanya. Obrolan-obrolan tentang rencana penelitian primata bersama dan bagaimana meneruskan kegiatan konserasi di Sokokembang semakin hangat dengan sajian kopi hutan yang di sajikan oleh “barista” warga dusun Sokokembang. Menjadi kebanggaan kami juga dan warga di Sokokembang mendapat tamu yang seneng dengan Lutung dan penikmat kopi.

Hari berikutnya kami ajak Mr. Tsuji melihat langsung proses pembuatan gula aren, dan katanya ini pertama kalinya beliau melihat kalau ada gula yang di proses dari pohon aren yang tumbuh di hutan. Ada obrolan yang cukup menggelitik juga waktu kami ngobrol dengan petani gula aren, salah satu warga pengrajin gula aren  bilang  “bagaimana ya? Orang jepang sudah canggih bikin mobil, motor, radio, tv, dan hp kok bikin gula aren aja tidak tau ..ha..ha..ha.” sendau gurau ini semakin hangat dan mengakrabkan kami walaupun ada kendala bahasa.
Foto bersama ibu-ibu di ds.Tembelan

Monday, December 8, 2014

Ride for Gibbon-Jelajah hutan Hutan Sokokembang

peserta Rideforgibbon

Mentari yang cerah 7 Desember 2014, menyambut para pesepeda yang ingin mengenal lebih dekat habitat Owa jawa. Jalur hutan sokokembang merupakan jalan propinsi antar kecamatan yang menghubungkan kecamatan Doro degan Kecamatan Petungkriono. Jalan ini sudah cukup bagus dan sangat nyaman dilalui.  Jalan ini melalui hutan yang masih relatif bagus dan inilah kawasan hutan yang masih di huni oleh  Owa jawa, si kera kecil kebanggaan Pekalongan.

Karena mudahnya akses ini acara fun bike “ Ride for gibbon” diksanakan menyusuri jalan  di tengah hutan. Tujuan acara kali adalah mengenalkan habitat Owa jawa dan sebagai promosi konservasi wilayah Petungkriono sebagai hutan tropis jawa yang harus di lindungi dan dijaga bersama. Tepat jam 8 pagi, kurang lebih 50 peserta di lepas bersama dari Lapangan dusun Mesoyi dan akan menyusuri rute sepanjang 8 km, dengan finish di curug Cibedug, Ds.Sokokembang. Beberapa peserta nampak antusias sekali dengan sambil mengayuh sepeda melihat rimbunya tajuk dan hijaunya pemandangan di kanan-kiri jalan. Sesekali melihat kanan-kiri menengok apakah ada Owa jawa yang sedang berayun bergerak di antara tajuk pohon.
melihat Owa jawa secara langsung 

Di tengah-tengah acara bersepeda ini, peserta juga melakukan penanam pohon hutan yang menjadi sumber pakan bagi Owa jawa. Pohon sentul atau kecapi hutan  adalah salah satu pohon buah kesukaan owa, warga sokokembang yang menyediakan bibit ini juga telah menyiapkan lokasi penanamannya. Disela-sela acara penanaman pohon ini sajian makanan khas ketela goreng dan seduhan kopi hutan menemani waktu istirahat para pesepeda. Kopi robusta hutan ini telah di olah oleh warga dusun Sokokembang dan produk kopi ini juga menjadi “duta konservasi” untuk pelestarian hutan dan peningkatan perekonomian masyarakat sekitar hutan.
salah satu goweser menanam pohon
Setelah acara penanaman pohon, goweser menuruskan menggenjot sepeda menuju Curug Cibedug, yang terletak antara dusun Sokokembang dan ds Tinalum. Jalan yang naik turun dari start dan garis akhir di curug ini dapat dilalui dengan mudah oleh para pesepeda. Sampai di curug cibedug, pesepeda telah di sambut dengan pameran foto-foto sebagai hasil penelitian di hutan sokokembang, yang dilakukan oleh tim SwaraOwa. 
Foto bersama peserta Rideforgibbon

Friday, November 28, 2014

Shade Grown Coffee and Biodiversity Study in Javan Gibbon Habitat

We have selected forest coffee land, belong to farmers in Sokokembang village, to study about shade grown coffee in the Javan gibbon habitat, as based line data for further management of shadegrown coffee in Sokokembang. This year we have initial agreement with four farmers which have  3 ha approximately of forest coffee, to learn about shade grown coffee and trying to develop sustainable way of coffee production. Biodiversity study on shade grown coffee also have been started based on selected taxa. We use camera trap for small mammals  study and butterfly diversity in the shade grown coffee habitat. Study on vegetation also more intense on shade trees that frequently used by the javan gibbon and othe primates as food resources
vegetation analysis in forest coffee habitat

camera trapping in the forest coffee habitat.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

New Hope for world's most endangered primate, Javan slow loris.

Javan slow loris (Nycticebus javanicus) or Kukang, is one of the 25 most endangered primates in the world.  This nocturnal primate is threatened by hunting and habitat loss. In the whole island of Java, their record distribution mentioned in west java and east java. We have tried also to conduct night survey in central java, province, to provide latest information on the existence of Kukang, while doing diurnal primate survey (to update distribution of javanese primate, Javan gibbon, Javan surili, and Javan ebony langur/Lutung). Some priorities area for night survey was determined by interview of people nearby the forest. If they mentioned good information on Kukang sighting we do apply night survey in certain distance.

Our field work was finally found good result, first sighting of wild Kukang is in 18 December 2013. We have got Kukang caught by  a farmer in Temanggung district, we got the photos from the wild and soon released in to their habitat. Based on this finding in 2014 we conduct more intensive survey, during September – October 2014, and the result is  at least eight (8) individual were sighted.

Further conservation activities is urgently needed to preserve this wild population. Kukang habitat is remaining in the coffee plantation with high pressure of human activities, including wild animal hunting and logging. The area is also far away from the conservation area system. Supporting local community to protect and enhance their knowledge on the  important value forest and Kukang population is critically important to do.

This survey was done as a part of “Coffee andPrimate Conservation Project 2014”, supported by Rufford small grant foundation -2013 field survey, Fortwayne Children's Zoo, Wildlife Reserve Singapore,  Ostrava Zoo, and Wildlife lab Faculty ofForestry-Gadjah Mada University. Please contact us for further corespondence :wawan5361 (at) yahoo.com.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

GIBBON SCHOOL DAYS, when the gibbon goes to school.

Series of meetings to rise conservation awareness and education were done toward youth people surrounding javan gibbon habitat, within Pekalongan regency. First meeting was done at August 2014 where we have invited school teachers from senior high school to visit Sokokembang village, as our basecamp for our “Coffee and Primate Conservation Project” which supported by Fort Wayne Children's Zoo, Singapore Zoo, Ostrava Zoo. At least four teachers from four different senior high school were attended our invitation. We introduce our program and more discussion about endangered primates and high biodiversity value of forest in Petungkriono district.Then the meeting with school teachers was follow up by next meeting i.e nature photography workshop.
Event photography training was done in 20-21 Sept 2014, in Kayupuring village, Petungkriono District, Pekalongan Regency, Central Java.This event as a part of Javan gibbon and habitat conservation programs in Petungkriono forest areas. The aim is to promote conservation of endangered primates and as well as  an efforts to increase the capacity of communities around the area of ​​their habitat, to increase knowledge, raise conservation awareness of our environment, and to build a network of  young conservationists in surounding javan gibbon habitat.

Totally 25 participants from Pekalongan regecency, represent their schools, government officer, youth nature community, and people from the village were joint in the event. Three trainers i.e. Dr. M.Ali Imron-wildlife researcher of Gadjah Mada University, Swis Winasis-WildlifePhotographer and Regina Safri  - Photojournalist, were guide participants not only in the room theory but also in the field, practicing photograph and direct discussion with the experts.

check these video and photos out for impression of participants during the event :
photography workshop (20-21 Sept 2014) Javangibbon conservation

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Sokokembang Primatewatching (September 2014)

Mr. Rajkamal Goswami
Sokokembang, 28 September 2014. Tidak kenal maka tak sayang, begitulah kira-kira ungkapan yang pas ketika kami mendapat kunjungan seorang kawan dari India yang ingin melihat langsung Owa jawa di habitat alaminya. Selama 2 hari di bulan September kemaren dengan senang hati kami menemani Mr. Rajkamal yang ingin mengenal lebih dekat owa jawa dan habitatnya. Seperti biasanya setiap tamu-tamu atau pengunjung minat khusus di sokokembang akan kami ajak menyusuri jalur pengamatan primata kami, untuk melihat langsung bagaimana primata-primata yang ada di hutan Sokokembang ini.Owa, Lutung, Rekrekan dan Monyet ekor panjang dapat dijumpai. Tidak hanya melihat langsung bagaimana warga sekitar habitat owa berinteraksi dengan hutan dan sumberdaya alam yang ada. Kami mengajak juga mr.Rajkamal bagaimana beberapa kegiatan community development yang kami lakukan dalam rangkaian proyek “Kopi dan Konservasi primata”, tidak hanya menikmati sajian kopi hutan namun juga ikut beratifitas berkunjung ke beberapa dusun yang mengolah kopi hutan dan ikut bagaimana rasanya menggiling kopi tanpa mensin, mengemas produk-produk konservasi dari habitat Owa jawa.
Foto bersama dengan tim SwaraOwa

Monday, September 15, 2014


Kontak:                                                                                                                  Petungkriono, 15 September 2014
Arif Setiawan
twitter : @swaraowa

Petungkriono. Kelompok Studi dan Pemerhati Primata Yogyakarta  akan menyelenggarakan kegiatan Pelatihan Fotografi Alam. Kegiatan yang bertema ‘Blitz ur wilderness! Suarakan alam lewat lensamu!’ ini merupakan bagian dari program  pelestarian  Owajawa dan habitatnya di wilayah hutan Petungkriono, Pekalongan, Jawa Tengah. Kegiatan bertujuan untuk promosi konservasi primata yang terancam punah dan juga sebagai upaya peningkatan kapasitas masyarakat sekitar kawasan habitat primata, menambah pengetahuan, meningkatkan kesadaran akan kelestarian alam, dan membangun jaringan pegiat konservasi, khususnya primata dan habitatnya yang masih ada di wilayah kabupaten Pekalongan. Kegiatan pelatihan ini  akan diselenggarakan langsung di kawasan desa hutan yaitu desa Kayupuring Kecamatan Petungkriyono pada tanggal 20-21 September 2014. Sasaran kegiatan ini khususnya para pelajar SMA se-Kabupaten Pekalongan yang ditunjuk untuk berpartisipasi tanpa dipungut biaya apapun dan merupakan rangkaian kegiatan “Gibbon School days” yang telah dilaksanakan sebelumnya . Pelatihan ini dibuka pula untuk instansi terkait dan publik yang tertarik dengan memberi kontribusi yang telah ditentukan.

Pelatihan ini akan diisi oleh pemateri yang kompeten di bidangnya, Dr. M Ali Imron, (pengajar, peneliti Satwaliar di Fakultas Kehutanan Universitas Gadjah Mada)  Swiss Winasis (fotografer alam liar, peneliti dari Taman Nasional Baluran, dan Regina Safri (Jurnalist foto, penulis Orangutan Rhymes and Blues) akan membimbing langsung peserta. Selama dua hari peserta akan diajak pula berinteraksi langsung dengan obyek fotografi, yaitu alam dan hutan  Petungkriono. Jika beruntung peserta dapat berjumpa dengan satwa liar seperti Owa jawa, Lutung, Rekrekan,Monyet ekor panjang, Binturong, Luwak, Elang, dan satwaliar lainnya.

Annisa selaku koordinator acara ini menyebutkan bahwa Training Fotografi Alam sengaja tidak mengambil tempat di kota agar peserta dapat merasakan langsung alam sekitar yang merupakan obyek fotografi. Kegiatan ini juga bertujuan untuk menanamkan kecintaan terhadap alam lingkungan  melalui fotografi sehingga dapat memberi kesadaran akan arti pentingnya konservasi alam. TOR kegiatan ini dapat di baca di link berikut ini : https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B14jOutVwOB1ZFMtR0ZBRXJ1MU0&usp=sharing

Kelompok Studi dan Pemerhati Primata Yogyakarta (KSPPY) sendiri adalah organisasi yang dibentuk berdasarkan ketertarikan para individu terhadap kelestarian  primata dan habitatnya terutama primata endemik Jawa, Owa Jawa (Hylobates moloch). Dan melalui project “Coffee and Primate Conservation” telah dan sedang berkegiatan di wilayah Petungkriono melakukan penelitian dan pengembangan komunitas sekitar hutan untuk terlibat langsung dalam pelestarian primata dan habitatnya. Untuk project ini bisa dibaca lebih lanjut di sini : http://swaraowa.blogspot.com/2014/09/coffee-and-primate-conservation.html

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Coffee and Primate Conservation

Central Java, Indonesia, forest fragmentation and degradation in the gibbon’s habitat is the main problems, due to economic problems, people near by the forest encroaching the forest for their income. Coffee is one of the commodities in Petungkriono district, however the value coffee is very low and doesn’t have any additional value towards farmer near by the forest. Forest-Coffee , its shade grown coffee planted by villagers in Sokokembang village, people planted coffee under natural shade of forest trees where Javan gibbon and other javan endemic primates lived there naturally. It has been practiced since many years ago by villagers. These coffees are grown in the wild and processed traditionally by villagers at Sokokembang. Coffee production techniques in Sokokembang that preserve natural trees as shade trees, have important consequence for conservation of Javan gibbon habitat and other endemic species.

 In this project we have been  doing  scientific research and conservation awareness activities combine with community empowerment to conserve Javan gibbon (Hylobates moloch) and its habitat in Petungkriono district, Pekalongan regency, especially Sokokembang village for pilot project. We have bee enhance economic value of forest coffee through building capacity of coffee farmer, enhance their knowledge on coffee processing and develop coffee and conservation marketing strategy.

We have been work since 2007 with people of javan gibbon habitat ( read reports and publications) for primate ecological study, and intensively work with community in 2012, some result showed that rain forest products are soo precious as we thought before, and its really important to support people livelihood surrounding the forest, indeed. However some of them need to be enhanced for the quality, offcourse we have to assist to penetrate the market too. We have already some rainforest products, such as shade grown coffee, palm sugar, and fruity-forest syrup. As sustainable rule that we have been applied, all the profits from the products will go directly to support endangered primates conservation activities and forest coffee farmers as well in this region. These products can be purchased by order to our emails : c.nur.annisa (at) gmail.com; wawan5361 (at)gmail.com

Friday, September 5, 2014

Coffee and Primate Conservation : a cup of java for gibbon

The title above is  oral presentation title during International Primatological  Society XXV Congress in Hanoi, Vietnam 11-17 Agustus 2014. Abstract for this presentation can be read here. The presentation is about our field work "Coffee and Primate Conservation Project" activities in Central Java. Please contact the author personally for further information.

Its largest meeting  in the field of primatology, where we can share information about primate research and conservation, meet the expert, funding agency and develop professional network for primate study and conservation.
We also joined in to the post congress of IPS, in Bogor 18-22 August, here about the meeting information and we also give a talk about our project in Sokokembang forest. There are two other poster presentation from our project activities, presented by our project team member. Read here  http://www.sea-primate.org/pdf/ecology/Aryanti.Ecology.pdf

We would like to thanks to Conservation International, Margoth Marsh Biodiversity Foundation, and IUCN Primate SSC for the travel grant to attend the IPS meeting in Vietnam.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Sokokembang Rainforest Sound Recording

Sokokembang forest, provide source of inspiration and ideas. Here some result from our field work in the Javan gibbon habitat, Sokokembang forest, Petungkriyono,Pekalongan, Central Java, Indonesia.Gibbons, leaf monkeys, insect, birds,winds, and people activities are amazing,AWESOME!! all creating sounds,and offcourse they have their own ways to talk, talk with us ..(maybe).

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Javan gibbon ecological study and Monitoring,in Sokokembang forest.

recording the gibbon calls

A longterm study about Javan gibbon and its ecology we called “Javan gibbon remote monitoring network” have been initiated in Sokokembang forest, Central Java, Indonesia. The Javan gibbon with their unique behavior have been studied, by its calling behavior for population monitoring. The specific aim is to provide scientific information on Javan gibbon acoustic behavior,  to know their population dynamic and we will use this result to raise conservation awareness,  broadcast the recorded calls  and other  rainforest  sound recording to world wide through the website.

Starting at March 2014 we have set a tree house for javan gibbon monitoring, and monitoring activities conducted monthly in four consecutive days. Set of directional microphone and smartphone have been used to record calling of the gibbon. Here for example of the result :

recording equipments

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Participatory Biodiversity Mapping, at Javan gibbon’s village, Kayupuring, Central Java, Indonesia

One of the problems to raise awareness about forest and primate conservation in Javan gibbon’s habitat are very limited information even more there is no baseline species diversity, ecology, spatial location and conservation status of the protected species. All these information are useful if we use to talk with people in the village to motivate them to conserve their biodiversity actually. The specific aim of this activities are to mine information about biodiversity especially wildlife that usually found in Kayupuring village area’s based on community knowledge and their field observation, and we add more detail information on their basic ecology and its conservation status, then we present on the village biodiversity map.

This program is a part of Our Coffee and Primate Conservation Project that funded by Fortwayne Children Zoo and Singapore Zoo, cooperation with Wildlife Lab, Forest Resource Conservation Dept, Faculty of Forestry, Gadjah Mada University, of Yogyakarta. Located at Kayupuring village, on 17-19 June 2014, we have meeting series and guided by GIS expert from the university to discuss about wildlife that usually found in their village and forest, than we ask them to describe as clear as possible based on their field observation and we match this information to the field guide book as scientific clarification. And finally we use Google earth, to map wildlife encounter by the villagers.
Participants of Participatory biodiversity Mapping

GIS experts and wildlife ecologist from Gadjah Mada University giving a talk.

Friday, July 11, 2014

The 2nd Primate Survey Training, Sokokembang 9-11 June 2014

This activities was initiated last year in 2013, where we realize that primate conservation should be based on scientific information. And actually there is a problems to conserve endangered primate and its habitat in central java , that we lack of capacity and knowledge about primate survey method. 

Thus , the training aims are :1 to raise and encourage young primate researchers and conservationist in central Java. 2. To enhance knowledge and technical experience on field primate survey. 3. To establish professional network among young primatologist in central java.

Totally 21 participants,  were joint in 3 days training in Sokokembang (see photo.1), they are come from university students, forestry government staff ,Journalist, and local NGO  from surrounding javan gibbon habitat in central java
2014 training participants 

In this training, we introduce two methods that can be applied in the  field for primate survey training, i.e “line transect” and “vocal count-triangulation” especially for gibbon survey. The training including room discussion, field practice (data collection) and its data analysis.

During the training we also received coverage from national newspaper, and published at  11 June 2014 (photo.2).
newspaper coverage about the primate survey training in Sokokembang forest

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Field visit Fortwayne Zoo in Sokokembang forest

Sokokembang forest view

17-20 June 2014 are special days for the coffee and primate conservation project, in Sokokembang village, Petungkriono , Central Java. We had a visit from Fort Wayne zoo staff (Dr. Joe Smith) and Fort Worth Zoo  (Dr  Nancy  P. Lung). The reason to visit Sokokembang is Javan gibbon, to see the field condition, problems and real action to stop extinction of the rarest gibbon in Indonesia.
As host for the project, after we introduce all the the project team we visiting Kayupuring village to meet village government officers there. Our mission is to express appreciation to the local government that Sokokembang within Kayupuring village has become part of the world’s attention to conserve endangered primates. Primate and habitat preservation involving forest communities have a real contribution to sustainable development with economic and ecological consideration complementary.

Primate watching in Sokokembang forest also become most interesting for our guest, we had observe with very clearly all four primate species in the forest i.e Javan gibbon (Hylobates moloch) Javan langur (Trachypithecus auratus), Javan Surili (Presbytis fredericae) and Longtailed macaque (Macaca fascicularis), so lucky  we are,  observing all these primate in a single feeding tree, where there was ficus tree have been fruited and all the primates have been feed on them.

We also invited our guest to join in our village meeting, meet the villagers who processing forest-coffee and off course to feel our jungle track heading to our tree house which usually to be used as javan gibbon monitoring based on their call.

Three days for the field visit also giving invaluable experience and  motivation to our team member to continue our works, to conserve our endangered primates and it's habitat, and photos will tell you more than words.
with village government officers

Joe and Dr.Sena adisubrata from Gadjah Mada University


primate watching

Civet coffee

Nancy and Emily trying to capture the gibbon

Bird watching from tree house

Walking through forest coffee habitat

coffee processing and other non timber forest products

group photo with team, family and tv crew

Monday, June 16, 2014


"javan gibbon sonogram (male call)"
SwaraOwa is Javanese words, it’s meant  “calling of the gibbon”. We are a group of young people from surrounding Javanese primate habitat’s in central Java, Indonesia,  who want to try to contribute in conservation programs of our endangered primate species and it’s habitat. This blog belong to our group, and we use this SwaraOwa to talk with all of you, human primate in this planet earth, to raise attention and conservation awareness, also to  build a professional network, to  conserve our remaining forest,  where our last non-human primate living in,and off course for our future.
For our previous conservation project activities, you can read here,  and  here for another active blog, (available in Bahasa only). You can also follow us on tweeter @swaraOwa

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Javan Gibbon on the Radio

Even people of Pekalogan, there are still some of them not know their own forest and unique primate, such as Javan silvery gibbon, which can be found nowhere else on earth. Sokokembang forest is located about one and half hours from the city of Pekalongan. its located in the mountainous area and Pekalongan city located along the coastline of north Java sea. However, mountainous area in Petungkriono district, that also habitat of Javan gibbon actually is critically important for Pekalongan city, where this mountain as watercatchment areas from all the rivers streaming down through Pekalongan. We have initiated a public campaing to introduce Javan gibbon and its conservation habitat in Sokokembang forest through a radio program. The aim is to promote and raising conservation awareness of an endemic primates of Pekalongan regency .

Collaborate with local radio “Radio Kota Batik” in Pekalongan, series of talkshow was succeed to be done at 24 April, 8 May , 22 May and 5 June 2014. We use this program not only to introduce our Primate Study Club but also more important to share information about our activities and to promote conservation of endangered primate which still exist in Pekalongan regency, that actually need more attention from people of Pekalongan themselves.
Agnes (our team member) have been on aired talk about Javan gibbon conservation activities.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014


SwaraOwa, adalah sebuah media untuk mempromosikan konservasi primata dan habitatnya khususnya Owa Jawa, yang ada di Jawa Tengah. Hutan Sokokembang, di dusun Sokokembang, Desa Kayupuring, Kecamatan Petungkriono, Kabupaten Pekalongan, adalah salah satu habitat Owa yang tersisa di sebaran paling timur kera kecil, Owa di Pulau Jawa. Blog ini adalah sebagai upaya untuk menyebarluaskan informasi dan mempromosikan kegiatan-kegiatan yang terkait dengan pelestarian Owa Jawa dan habitatnya.