Thursday, October 2, 2014

GIBBON SCHOOL DAYS, when the gibbon goes to school.

Series of meetings to rise conservation awareness and education were done toward youth people surrounding javan gibbon habitat, within Pekalongan regency. First meeting was done at August 2014 where we have invited school teachers from senior high school to visit Sokokembang village, as our basecamp for our “Coffee and Primate Conservation Project” which supported by Fort Wayne Children's Zoo, Singapore Zoo, Ostrava Zoo. At least four teachers from four different senior high school were attended our invitation. We introduce our program and more discussion about endangered primates and high biodiversity value of forest in Petungkriono district.Then the meeting with school teachers was follow up by next meeting i.e nature photography workshop.
Event photography training was done in 20-21 Sept 2014, in Kayupuring village, Petungkriono District, Pekalongan Regency, Central Java.This event as a part of Javan gibbon and habitat conservation programs in Petungkriono forest areas. The aim is to promote conservation of endangered primates and as well as  an efforts to increase the capacity of communities around the area of ​​their habitat, to increase knowledge, raise conservation awareness of our environment, and to build a network of  young conservationists in surounding javan gibbon habitat.

Totally 25 participants from Pekalongan regecency, represent their schools, government officer, youth nature community, and people from the village were joint in the event. Three trainers i.e. Dr. M.Ali Imron-wildlife researcher of Gadjah Mada University, Swis Winasis-WildlifePhotographer and Regina Safri  - Photojournalist, were guide participants not only in the room theory but also in the field, practicing photograph and direct discussion with the experts.

check these video and photos out for impression of participants during the event :
photography workshop (20-21 Sept 2014) Javangibbon conservation